Griffith University / Gold Coast Hospital

In 2013 the Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH) was officially opened and is now at the heart of the Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct, which includes the Griffith Health Centre at its new Southport Parklands location.

GCUH is now Australia’s largest hospital with 750 overnight beds, three times larger than the previous Gold Coast Hospital. It has 20 operating theatres and it was a record breaking undertaking to move all of the equipment, patients and staff to its new premises.

GCUH provides high quality treatment for patients while also offering world class facilities for health research and teaching. New services including radiotherapy, neuroscience and cardiac surgery will open the door for students of medicine, pharmacology, dentistry, nursing and public health to train in a genuine medical environment.

Its emergency department is four times larger than the existing emergency department at Southport, and is supported by a new medical assessment unit.